Ready to Level Up Your Reiki Game?

You’ve come this far—now it’s time to unlock your full badass potential as a healer and leader with Reiki Master certification.

This isn’t just another piece of paper—this is your next big leap. We’re talking deep spiritual vibes mixed with real-world business smarts, all rolled into one. It’s your time to heal, lead, and crush it in your purpose. Ready to take your practice to the next level? Join us this September and start owning your mastery.

The Journey begins Sept 22nd


The Journey begins Sept 22nd ***

Does this hit home?

You’re feeling lost, like you’re not fully you anymore, and you’re itching for something deeper, something that really lights up your soul.

You’ve been spinning your wheels in the same old struggles, and you're so ready to break free, find your flow, and finally feel that soul-deep peace.

You’ve been through some shit—pain, heartbreak—but you’re ready to flip the script and turn that pain into pure power.

Life’s got you feeling stressed and stretched thin. You want more than a quick fix; you want a healing journey that pulls together your mind, body, and soul into one powerful force.

You’ve got the basics of energy work down, but you’re hungry to dig deeper, to discover just how far your healing abilities can go.

You love sharing Reiki with others, but sometimes you feel like there’s a missing piece, something that’ll let you take your clients even deeper.


Now picture this…

You’re fully plugged into the Source, channeling Reiki with total confidence and ease. You and your higher self are in sync, flowing with that powerful Reiki energy like it’s second nature.

All those fears—of not being seen, not being good enough, or not being ready? Gone. You’re standing tall, fully embodied and owning your power as a badass Reiki Master.

You’ve taken all that past pain and struggle and flipped it into raw power and soul-deep wisdom. Now, you’re using it to show up even stronger for your clients as a healer.

You’ve nailed down who your dream clients are, and they’re booking with you like it’s the easiest thing in the world. Charging for your services? It’s light, it’s easy, and it feels damn good.

You’ve got the business basics down, so you can zero in on what really matters—guiding others through their own healing journeys.

You’ve found that sweet spot where your life is vibrant and fulfilling, and you’re showing up fully charged, ready to serve your community of clients with everything you’ve got.


You’re in the right place, my love!
This September, come join me...

I’ve helped many women go from struggling to shining like the stars they are in their Reiki businesses. They’ve let go of their fears and insecurities, trading them in for rock-solid trust in their Reiki powers and their skills as entrepreneurs.

I’ve spent years diving deep into Reiki, guiding certifications all around the world since 2018, and making every mistake you can think of—big and small. But guess what? Those mistakes turned into gold. I’ve got the step-by-step guide that’ll save you time, energy, and a whole lot of tears, so you can jump straight into the fun, easy, and profitable part of your business. This is the program I wish I had when I was starting out as a new Reiki Master. I built it from every good (and not-so-good) decision I made along the way.

I’m here to take your healing practice from “mehhh” to “absolutely thriving” in just a few months. All it takes is your commitment to step into your power as a healer. Sound good?!

Welcome to a journey where we mix the magic of energy medicine with heart-centered entrepreneurship. You’re about to become the leader and healer your community has been waiting for. As a certified Life Coach, I’ve got the skills, experience, and tools to spot—and smash—the obstacles standing in your way to becoming the most powerful, successful Reiki Master you can be. This isn’t just another certificate. This is a deep dive into running a kickass business, breaking down the subconscious blocks holding you back, and building a tight-knit community and sisterhood.

The Usui Reiki Master program is more than just a course—it’s a complete transformation. You’ll elevate your self-Reiki practice, supercharge your healing abilities, and learn how to turn your clients’ struggles into breakthroughs. Plus, you’ll harness the power of the Universe to co-create your dream life and business. My approach blends grounded wisdom with intuitive insight, setting you up to crush it as both a healer and a leader.



 Who is this program for?

Individuals who are ready to deepen their spiritual connection and level up their healing practice way beyond the basics.

Current or aspiring Reiki Masters who are eager to step into heart-centered leadership and grow their healing business like a boss.

Reiki practitioners who want to mix energy medicine with real-world business strategies that actually work.

Anyone ready to ditch the fear of being seen, judged, or criticized for their unique healing gifts (it’s time to say goodbye to the witch wound).

Women who are craving that sweet spot of work-life balance while building a business on their own terms and spreading healing vibes across the world.

Those who are done with living by old programming, tired stories, and limiting beliefs that have kept them stuck, unfulfilled, and running less-than-successful healing businesses.

 How This Will Up-Level You & Quantum Leap You Forwards
It is about strengthening your business foundations, expanding your energetics and unleashing your unique powers

  • Deepen your understanding of Reiki so you can share it with your clients like a total pro.

  • Turn your fears, limiting beliefs, and past pain into pure personal power, smashing through the ceilings that have kept you playing small.

  • Build a strong community and sisterhood where you’ll feel supported, seen, and heard in a safe space that lets you grow—both personally and professionally.

  • Get equipped with the tools and knowledge to grow a successful and sustainable healing business that blends spirituality, manifestation, and solid business structures.

  • Access resources that help you identify your dream clients, define the purpose of your business, and figure out how you want to deliver your healing magic to your community.

  • Empower yourself to lead with confidence, balancing both feminine energy and masculine structure.

  • Receive ongoing mentorship and support, making sure you’re fully ready to step into your role as a Reiki Master and absolutely thrive.


Some of Our Guest Speakers:

TCM and Meridian Energy Systems

Crystal for Reiki Practitioners

Understanding your Natal Chart

Building a Soulful Brand

Podcasting 101

Branding + Essence

Money Mindset + Beliefs

Shamanic Reiki

This is more than just another certificate. This is a deep dive into becoming a leader and energy healer. Get access to the bonus material and guest speaker series immediately. Core content opens one month before the attunement. Access to the private group is after the attunement. This runs once a year start in September.

What others have to say:

The reiki master program has changed my life and my healing journey by exposing me to a greater source of energy in and around me. I am reminded of the presence of reiki in everything I do, everything I see, and everything I say! The mentorship program has helped me step into a deeper sense of self compassion and confidence moving forward with my business and my spiritual practice.

Rebe Goebel

Becoming a Reiki master with Timea was such a wonderful experience. Not only are you taught the additional Reiki skills for the Mastery level, but Timea folds in support for your business and for you personally. My whole life has changed since starting to work with Timea 4 years ago. I've processed, shifted, and grown more through working with her and Reiki than I had in years of traditional therapy. I feel fully supported and ready to run a heart-centered Reiki-infused business after finishing the Reiki Master program.

The Reiki Master program was nothing short of life-changing. Not only did I experience incredible growth in my Reiki practice, but I also in every area of my life. The support throughout the program, and even years after completing it, has been invaluable. Timea is so gracious, knowledgeable, and kind. No question is silly. If you're ready to up your game and really settle into your sacredness, this is the program for you! 





2hr Live calls via Zoom (with replays)

  • September 22nd, 2024:

    Reiki Master Attunement Ceremony & Reiki healing session

  • October 20th, 2024:

    Session #1: Fear to be seen & shining brightly

  • November 10th, 2024:

    Session #2: Not feeling qualified enough & imposter syndrome

  • December 8th, 2024:

    Session #3: Inability to charge your worth & receiving money with ease

>Each live calls includes community sharing, an opportunity for Q+As and a receiving healing using unique reprogramming based on the current cohort’s specific needs
>Receive a full replay plus the audio of the reprogramming tracks to continue healing your energy, subconscious, nervous system and the somatics of previous trauma between the calls

Reiki Master Manual + Core Tutorial Videos

  • BRAND NEW Reiki Master manual coming in August 2024

  • Updates to the core tutorial videos including the fundamentals and advanced practice material

  • Receive lifetime access to future updates as well

Extra Resources:
Videos, Workbooks, Handouts
(over 4.5hrs of video content)

  • How to set powerful Intentions

  • Create a sacred space

  • How to use Usui Reiki symbols in virtual sessions

  • Understanding and using the Chakras

  • Client Intake Forms 101

  • Introduction to EFT Tapping

  • Usui Reiki Symbols Cheat sheet

  • Embodying a CEO Mindset + Becoming a Heart Centered Leader

  • Creating an Abundant Business + Aligning with the Energy of Money

  • Living the Reiki Life + Sustainability Based on Self-Care

Panel of Expert Guest Speaker to strengthen your scope of your business

  • Brooke Alexander: Money Mindset + Beliefs

  • Anna Gala: Building a Soulful Brand

  • Stella Habib: Branding + Essence

  • Kait Fowlie: Understanding your Natal Chart

  • Rebe Goebel: Crystals for Reiki Practitioners

  • Lisa Haddrell: EFT/Tapping for Energy healing

  • Nikki Daley: TCM and Meridian Energy Systems

  • Franki Lodge: Reiki + Ayurveda

  • Celia Rojas: Shamanic Reiki

  • Andrea Crisp: How to start your own Podcast

There is over 11 hours worth of expert guest speakers sharing their knowledge, skills and wisdom.


Anna Stasiuk from Holistic Honey - Embodying the Feminine and living a cyclical lifestyle
Vel Mabounsou from Restore and Rise - Diving Deeper into Energetics using Tao Healing Hands and TCM

Are You Ready to Commit and Level Up?

Yes, you are. You have been ready for a long time but your ego and old programming has been holding you back. This is WHY it’s the perfect program for you…

  • Receive the Reiki Master certification and become a trained energy healer

  • Dive deep into your subconscious to release your unique limiting belief, past stories, traumas and victim mentality so you can truly thrive as healer and leader (yes, you get the personal self development required for your business to thrive)

  • Learn how to run a successful and profitable business from someone who understands YOUR business and the unique nuances that come with being a heart-lead, spiritual healer (yes, you get the business strategy, steps and core principles on getting your business going)

  • Be part of a safe, empowered and accepting community of other Reiki masters from all over the world so you will never feel alone and isolated again (yes, this comes with lifetime access to the community as an endless source of wisdom)

  • Experience coaching and mentorship directly from Timea Urban since all the questions, hesitations and debilitating fears come AFTER the certification is complete (yes, this is specific to you and your needs, not some bland, cookie cutter, one-size-fits-all program)

This is your moment. Step into your power, embrace your potential, and transform your life AND business with this program. You, your business and reality will become completely unrecognizable by the end of 2024.

The Journey begins Sept 22nd


The Journey begins Sept 22nd ***


 In case you are hesitating…

I’m not sure I have the time to commit to this program.

This program is designed for busy, high achieving women who have a million things on the go! We meet for live calls monthly over 4 months then you access the rest of the material at your own pace. No pressure, no rush. You do you at your own time.

I don’t know if I’m ready for this level of commitment.

Growth happens when we step outside our comfort zone. If you’re feeling called to this, it’s a sign that you’re ready to take your healing practice to the next level. Don’t forget, the feeling fear is a normal response to experiencing something new and you will be fully guided through the fear on the live calls.

I’ve tried similar programs before and didn’t see the results I wanted.

This isn’t just another certificate to collect dust (or RIP in your inbox) - this is a transformative experience that combines spiritual alignment with practical business strategies, designed to create lasting change. You are also connected to like minded women who are feeling, experiencing and transforming alongside you. Other programs are not this comprehensive, this long or this connected to others hence the lack of results.

I’m worried about the investment; can I really afford this?

Investing in yourself is the first step toward creating the life and business you desire. Some investments are risky since you are unsure of the ROI. Not only does this program give you the tools, the step-by-step guides and foundational skills to run a business but it also expands your nervous system to receive more, reprograms your subconscious and changes the neurophysiology of your brain. If you show up and allow yourself to be guided, you will change and up-level like dozens of women before you.

What if I don’t have the business skills to succeed?

That’s why you are here! Other Reiki certifications just provide the bare-bones certificate without the business fundamentals, leaving you overwhelmed and confused. You need a balanced approach combining an easy to follow business strategy based on energy, feeling safe to be seen and inner confidence to share your magic. Just having a Reiki master certificate does not make you a successful Reiki master. Everything you don’t know and don’t know you don’t know is in the course with lots of opportunities to ask questions along the way!

I’ve tried business courses before and didn’t see any results. How is this different?

Standard business courses ignore the importance of your core beliefs, the state of your nervous system and the energetics of your business. You can force the business to thrive with only masculine energy. There needs to be an integrated approach infusing the feminine essence along with your unique energetic blueprint. One size fits all does not work, especially when running a Reiki business. This program guides you to get clear on what you want to create and how you want to share it with the world while having a strong masculine foundation alongside ease of the feminine flow.


Looking for more social proof?! You got it…

Ann Selvanayagam

I was a bit apprehensive/scared of signing up for the Reiki master program. Reiki Master?  What a big title.  The way that Timea sets her programs up are so well thought out and put together.  It's a four-month mentorship with other incredible women who are also on this wild journey, and Timea could not be more supportive throughout.  Every session is curated to the group and what each person individually needs.  The amount of personal growth that I went through could not have been possible without her mentorship program.  It has been one of the best things I have ever done for myself and reiki has been the foundation of my healing journey.  If you are even on the fence, please please please take the leap.

Vel Mabounsou

I’ve invested in many of Timea’s offerings—Reiki, Hypnosis, and completed my Level 1, 2, and Master Mentorship training with her. I first stumbled upon one of her group sessions while searching for something else, and I instantly felt her warm energy through the screen. I signed up right away, and a year and a half later, I’ve finished all levels of Reiki training with her. Timea’s courses are packed with knowledge and inspiration, and her kind, funny, and warm presence guides you every step of the way. This isn’t a generic course; it’s a genuine mentorship experience with guest speakers, business tips, and personal growth. With Timea’s guidance, I went from feeling timid and unsure to confidently sharing Reiki. The Master Mentorship includes course updates, direct access to Timea, and a supportive community of students.

  • It is $2497 CAD (no additional taxes or fees). Yes, there are payment plans.

    This includes the Reiki Master certification, the 4 month mentorship + coaching, business fundamentals and the deep dive into personal development.

    Yes, there are bundle options if you are wanting to get multiple certifications; Reiki level 1 / level 2, Akashic Records level 1 / level 2).

  • September 22nd, 2024
    October 20th, 2024
    November 10th, 2024
    December 8th, 2024

    The calls happen at 6-8pm EST.

    If you miss a live sessions you can just email in your questions and catch the replay. If you miss the first call (attunement ceremony), you will need to book an alternate date to be attuned which comes with an additional fee of $100.

  • This is for those who have completed their Usui Reiki Level 1 + 2 and have the desire to step into leadership, teaching and fine-tune their Reiki skills. This is not a crash course, get-a-certificate-quick type of program. Instead, it allows the information to be integrated and embodied as wisdom while the students can ask questions in a safe environment, share experiences and get guidance when dealing with roadblocks or limiting beliefs. This is for a student looking for a comprehensive program that includes self-guided learning, learning within a group setting and who desires a strong community connection.

  • All that is requires is the Usui Reiki Level 1 + 2 certification (either from Timea Urban or any other Usui Reiki teacher). Proof must be submitted at the time of your application.

    If you are interested in getting all 3 certifications? Email the team at: to get a bundle price. Please note, there must be 21 days between your Reiki Level 2 and Reiki master attunement.

  • The beauty of today's technology focused world, is that there are no limits to distance and location. Having a program that is virtual allows people from all over the world to come together in a tight knit community without ever needing to leave their home. These alleviates the stress of commuting and losing more time on travel that can take away precious time for what is important to you. Instead, the time is spent on learning the skills of becoming and embodying the energetics of being a Reiki Master. This also allows you to connect to other like-minded individuals from all over the world to create lifelong friendships and create a network of support as you begin your Reiki business.

  • The core content includes foundational material that does not change and can be watched at anytime prior to the attunement live call, allowing the student to watch them when it is most convenient to their schedule. The live calls are based on the unique needs of the current cohort which change year to year, ensuring the time is used most effectively so the students can be supported individually and as a whole.

  • Once you register for the certification, you get access to all bonus content on the Podia platform. This includes over 11.5 hours worth of expert guest speakers and guided sequences in addition to 4.5 hours worth of business foundations (which come with its own e-books). You must watch all the core content prior to the attunement call. On this call you also have an opportunity to meet the other students, ask your questions and receive a group Reiki blessing.

  • -Embodying a CEO Mindset + Becoming a Heart Centered Leader
    -Creating an Abundant Business + Aligning with the Energy of Money
    -Living the Reiki Life + Sustainability Based on Self-Care
    -Fear to be seen & shining brightly
    -Not feeling qualified enough & imposter syndrome
    -Inability to charge your worth & receiving money with ease

  • There are four 2hr live calls. The calls begin with an opportunity to ask your questions, share your concerns, connect with the other students. The second half of the call is a healing session catered to the unique needs of the current cohort of students. This can include a combination of Reiki, hypnosis, NLP, somatics, EFT tapping. All calls are recorded but it is recommended you attend all the calls live.

    *If you miss the attunement call, you must book a separate time with Timea Urban at a fee of $100.

  • Absolutely! There are many students who chose to be re-certified to gain a deeper understanding, new perspective and integrate the material more fully. This is not just a certification, it is a mentorship and lifelong community. This is the major aspect that is lacking in other programs.

  • Absolutely! The fundamentals of starting a Reiki business are discussed in details to take out the guessing work and so you can start getting PAYING clients asap and get a ROI on your investment.

    Business Foundations:

    • Embodying a CEO Mindset + Becoming a Heart Centered Leader

    • Creating an Abundant Business + Aligning with the Energy of Money

    • Living the Reiki Life + Sustainability Based on Self-Care

  • Firstly, it isn't just a certification. It is a four month mentorship where you have access to Timea Urban live on a monthly bases as well as through email and a group portal. Secondly, you get lifetime access to the material, all future material added (including the guest speakers) and will remain in the group chat so you will never feel like "you are doing this alone again". This gives you access to new and seasoned Reiki masters all over the world.

  • The core content is 3 hours in length that can be watched in one sitting (grab snacks!) or watched in intervals. Some students read the manual while the core videos are being watched while others take their time to read through it themselves. This does not include the bonus content that can be watched whenever you desire.

    • 4 virtual group sessions (2 hours each, one is the live attunement ceremony and 3x follow-up calls)

    • First hour is for questions, sharing, struggles, concerns

    • Second hour is a healing session based on the unique needs of the cohort (Reiki, EFT tapping, hypnosis, NLP/Time technique)

    • Lifetime access to the content + future updates to the manual

    • Access to past and future guest speakers (currently more than 11 hours of content)

    • Access to a private group

    • Recorded core content videos + e-manual

    • Intro to EFT Tapping module

    • Templates for waiver forms and intake forms

    • Reiki symbols cheatsheet

 Are You Ready to Commit and Level Up?

This is your moment. Step into your power, embrace your potential, and transform your life and business. Don’t forget, this legendary program only runs once a year.
