The Akashic Records are a dimension of consciousness that hold information about all things that have ever happened and all things that ever will happen. They are said to be accessible to anyone once you learn how to access this deeper part of your spirituality. By reading the Records, one can explore their past lives, current struggles and what’s holding them back from their desired future.
By reading the Records, you can learn about the different paths your clients have taken in their past lives and the lessons they have learned. You can also gain a deeper understanding of their patterns, limiting beliefs and deeply rooted fears and how to alter them to create more freedom. The Akashic Records can be a valuable tool for self-discovery, growth and spiritual expansion as you help your clients discover their soul’s purpose and direction in this life. This is the perfect first step towards following your soul’s path of higher awareness and awakening.
You have a desire to deepen your healing sessions with your clients using the energy of the Akashic Records
You are ready to connect with your spirit guides and ancestors to supercharge your client experience
You are ready to develop your intuition and strengthen your ability to channel messages from the Records
You want to quantum leap in your business, expand your offerings and fortify your healing tool kit
The Program Details
Monday, February 3rd from 6-8pm EST
Monday, February 24th, 2024 from 7-9pm EST
This is a hybrid program where there is self-paced learning and live calls. Prior to the first call, you watch the core video tutorials and read through the manual on your own. This allows the time together on the calls to be used more effectively to dive deeper into questions, reflection and connecting with the other students. Given everyone has a different lifestyle, schedule and timezone, you learn at your own pace at the time that suits you best. The live calls are interactive with a safe space to ask all and any questions.
The first call is the Attunement call, where you are attuned to the Akashic Records using Reiki symbols. You also have an opportunity to ask questions regarding the material to ensure you are ready to explore the Records of future clients. There is an intentional pause before the next call as the students have an opportunity to practice opening the Records and become consciously aware of their fears, limiting beliefs and self-talk.
The second call is answering the next layer of questions and troubleshooting the parts that are challenging. The second session is what other programs skip, as you don’t know what you don’t know and where your previous programming and limiting beliefs will keep you stuck. Once you had some time to explore the Records of others, many more logistical questions will come up which are essential for both your integration as well as ensuring you become the best Akashic Records reader.
The self-paced learning occurs through video tutorials on podia, while the two live calls occur over zoom. The sessions are recorded but it is highly recommended to come to both sessions live to enhance your learning experience. If you are unable to attend, an alternate date for the Attunement must be made.
Akashic Records Level 1 (through The Urban Healer method)
Usui Reiki Level 1 + 2 (through The Urban Healer or any other Usui Reiki Master)
$1197 pay in full or $447 for 3 monthly payments
(This is in Canadian funds including taxes)
Of course we do! Send us an email hello@theurbanhealer.ca to get the promo code. We also have a promo if you want to add a 1:1 Akashic Records session with Timea.
Why offer an Akashic Records session and what are the benefits to your clients
How to prep yourself and your clients before the session
How to set up a successful virtual session
How to open the Records for your client and how you can enter to guide them
How to *actually* open the Records (multiple options are taught so you have choice and can build a practice that feels aligned)
Steps to guiding an Akashic Records Session
How to incorporate Reiki in your session (using both Level 2 and Master symbols)
How to ensure your client is comfortable and manage when a client is triggered (multiple methods to assist down regulating the client are explained)
How to channel the information and share it in a powerful manner
Performing rituals within the Records
Aftercare for both you and the client
How to be successful at guiding session
Guiding group sessions
Incorporating other healing tools and modalities
Deepening your grounding practices
Practices to open your Crown Chakra
Practices for heart integration and opening
Energetic and psychic protection
Cord Cutting 101
Releasing Soul Contracts and Spiritual Vows
Intuition VS Channeling and when to use them appropriately
Working with Archangels
Calling in the Directions and creating sacred spaces
Strengthening your connection to the Divine (in session and daily for your own practice)
Understanding and strengthening your clairs and psychic abilities
Troubleshooting, deciphering messages and working with client who are blocked
Setting up your booking and payment link
How to choose your prices and session length
Setting boundaries with clients
Imposter Syndrome and over coming it
Priming your nervous system to receive abundance and success