Healing Offerings
Connect: A Three Month Journey
This healing bundle is designed for beings who are new to their self-discovery journey or who are looking for a lighter commitment. Let’s begin our journey with a pause. It’s time to stop doing and start being to discover your potential for inner peace. No previous experience is required. Come as you are. Listen to the nudge. Allow me to lift the veil so you can connect to your intuition and find what you are seeking. This package includes one monthly 60 minute session for a minimum commitment of 3 months.
Expand: A Six Month Journey
This healing bundle is designed for beings who are committed to their expansion or have begun their spiritual awakening and are now open to deeper guidance. Perhaps you already started your healing journey or had a gentle nudge from the universe that you are ready to fully expand. Let’s integrate your inner wisdom with the divine messages from the Universe to bring your life into soul guided alignment. This includes one monthly 60 minute session for a minimum commitment of 6 months.
Transform: A Three Month Weekly Journey
This comprehensive healing offering is for beings wanting to create lasting changes who have a burning desire to blossom to their highest potential and are ready for more. Accelerate your healing by committing to transformation through consistency and dedication. Where your intention goes, energy flows! And let me tell you, the Universe will take notice of your fierce faith and commitment to growth. This is open to anyone ready to create their most abundant life by truly processing their past and uncovering the blocks that have been holding them back. You must apply to qualify for the program to ensure you are ready to uncover the truest essence of your soul. This includes weekly 75 minute sessions for a minimum commitment of 3 months.
Akashic Record Reading
The Akashic Records hold the wisdom of your soul: past, present and future. They hold all the lessons, wisdoms, heartaches, achievements and everything in between. They are kept safe in the 5th dimension by the Record Keepers and can only be accessed through a trance state using a sacred invocation prayer. You can enter your Records to find answers to your deep life questions: What is my life’s purpose? Why do I keep repeating this pattern? What is the lesson in this hardship? Don’t worry, I will gently guide you into the Records and safely bring you back into this dimension so that you find clarity and feel awakened and ready to tackle whatever life brings your way.