Date: October 26th & 27th from 11 am - 6 pm

Location: Toronto (Leslieville)

Imagine 15 like-minded women coming together in a cozy space downtown Toronto with nourishing food, the best energy and healing your past, present and future. Yes, we are opening deep healing portals through the Akashic Records. Yes, we are reprogramming your subconscious. Yes, we are healing your specific wounds and the collective as a whole. Yes, there are doing creative activities, having moments for solo journaling and connecting with the other amazing beings. Yes, there is hands-on Reiki, individual channeled messages from the Divine (twice!) and an opportunity to meet your spirit team. Sounds like A LOT OF YES… because it is! Grab your spot today, once it is sold out there won’t be another event like this until mid 2025.

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 What’s Included:

  • A nourishing lunch

  • AM and PM snack

  • Coffee, tea and bone broth station

  • Self-care welcome bundle

  • Community activities

  • A blanket

What do you need to bring:

  • Yoga mats

  • Water bottle

  • Journal and pen

  • All your limiting beliefs, old stories, emotional baggage and ancestral trauma

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 SATURDAY, October 26th (11am-6pm)

  • Opening circle + intention setting

  • Release your unique limiting belief through subconscious reprogramming and somatic processing

  • Learn to speak to the Universe and your Spirit team

  • Akashic Hypnosis to connect to your ancestors and spirit team

  • Ancestral tapping with the healing energy of the Akashic Records

  • Cord cutting + call back your power

  • Hands on Reiki + receive your individual healing message

  • Creative activity #1

  • Integration time + journaling

  • Sound bath + frequency healing experience

  • Closing circle and sharing

SUNDAY, October 27th (11am-6pm)

  • Opening circle

  • Vagal toning, nervous system regulation and expansion

  • Third eye activation + higher Self embodiment

  • Inner child healing + journaling

  • Hands-on Reiki + receive your individual healing message

  • Creative activity #2

  • Sister wounding session

  • Manifestation embodiment + neural reprogramming for expansion + somatic experiencing  

  • Integration time + journaling

  • Closing circle and sharing


 Imagine this…

You have two full days with like-minded women coming together in a safe community on a cozy October weekend where you heal individually and collectively while connecting to your innate soul wisdom and spirit team. Yup. It is a BIG YUP.  

This isn’t just superficial journaling, scraping the surface of your limiting beliefs or finding another bandaid approach to self-soothing your nervous system.

This is uncovering your past programming, discovering the generational traumas within your ancestry and finding out the root cause of why your nervous system is caught in survival mode. Then, releasing all that baggage, creating safety and expansion in your nervous system while activating inner strength and awakening your intuition. MORE YES ENERGY COMING AT YOU.

This is the last live, in-person retreat of 2024 AND it is conveniently located downtown Toronto. No travel, not accommodations, no carpooling required. Just register, bring your what needs to be healed and leave a new woman.

When women gather, magick happens. That’s why the patriarchy wanted to shut that down quick. Women in groups have an opportunity to truly connect, feel safe in their bodies and illuminate their inner light as they mirror the magic of those around them. You may be thinking... uhm, I did not have the experience in high school or with the women at work. Oh, I know. That's the SISTER WOUND showing up because of the patriarchy.

I have experienced that too. Listen to Episode 97: I Almost Got Arrested. The magick happens when women can gather without having their guard up among other women who dropped those barricade walls. It's all about the environment, the energy of the space and the intention of the women gathering.

Now imagine this on a cozy October weekend during the witchy season when the veil is extra thin, and the portals for healing are stronger. That's VIBESSS and that's how life transformations happen over a weekend.

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 Let’s pause and answer these questions:

  • Do you feel disconnected from your intuition and have no idea how to turn it back on?

  • Do you wish you could channel divine messages from the Universe and your higher self?

  • Are you caught in repeated patterns and sometimes feel like they aren't even yours?

  • Do you feel like your life isn’t aligned and you keep attracting the same issues like Groundhog Day?

  • Do you wish you had more meaningful female friendships but find it so hard to make new friends at this age?

  • Do you have an inner nudge that there is more for you in life but have no idea how to get there or if you are even worthy of receiving it?


What if I helped you get the answers.

Not the logical, intellectual answers. But a deep, embodied, full-body wisdom answer that makes you feel more alive and aligned than ever before. Juicy right?!

You can't fake heal with the universe. She knows. This is why affirmations and simply journaling your dream life won't get you anywhere. This is also why you have been a good little girl going to therapy regularly but you aren't seeing life changing shifts.

All that is logic, conscious mind and surface level. Timea specializes on exploring your subconscious mind, resetting your nervous system and the energetics of healing. This is the nitty gritty juicy bits that create lasting change that is embodied into your being and identity.

Once you reset those core parts of your being, everything changes... your body can drop into a state of safety and finally leave the survival mode.

When you have been in fight-or-flight for months, years, or decades, your nervous system is fried, your mind is beyond overstimulated, and nothing will work. Of course, it won't babe. Your body thinks you are about to die and is only focusing on survival. This is definitely NOT how you manifest or heal your subconscious mind or release the generational trauma you are lugging around, or even consider using intuition or calling in your spirit team.

PS. Your intuition actually shuts down when you are in fight-or-flight; hence, this part of you is OOO and MIA without any chance of you calling her in. So, if you have tried all the things... therapy, affirmations, meditation, ice baths, vision boards without results, it's because you need to approach the root cause of the issue or using modalities that can address the root cause.

You are simply not accessing the subconscious mind (this is 95% of your being) and what you are attempting to do is force change through the conscious mind. Sorry love, that's not how ACTUAL healing works. What you need is a full system reboot and UPGRADE. Uhm... maybe on a super cozy October weekend, in a dreamy space, with 14 other women wanting the same thing.... hint - the answer is yes.

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During the day retreat, we will:

Reprogram your subconscious mind

WHY? Your conscious mind will never overpower the subconscious and the subconscious is where you hold all your beliefs of how life is. If your subconscious is full of fears, limiting beliefs and why you won't get X, you will never ever get your desires. The two need to be aligned and on the same time or you're going nowhere fast

Create unwavering safety in your nervous system

WHY? If your nervous system is caught in survival, then all it will do is focus on survival. You cannot be thriving in your external life when internally your body thinks you are about to die. Nervous system regulation AND expansion are necessary if you want to live an abundant YES PLEASE, MORE PLEASE life. Don't forget, your nervous system rules everything: your thoughts, your concentration, your sleep, your digestion, your period, your fertility, your sex life, your bowels. So if any of those are feeling fab, then this is the sure sign your nervous system isn't dropping into a parasympathetic state. Spoiler - sitting in ice water will not help

Have a complete energetic overhaul

WHY? Physics. Everything is energy. This is science 101. If your energy is stagnant, stuck, depleted or buzzing in an anxious spiral, you will not energetically be able to attract what you are manifesting. Given you are probably an empath, you are taking in the meh energy all around you which is suffocating your energy even more. So if the people you interact with on the regular... toxic coworkers, negative Nancy friends, questionable in-laws... it will affect your energy AND manifesting powers. The 5 people you spend the most time with will determine your health, success, finances, level of joy... So, come hangout with other amazing women and maybe even leave with a soul-mate bestie!

Get clear on what your limiting beliefs are and the ones you inherited from your ancestors

WHY? Epigenetics. This is science yet again. What the past generations experienced is energetically and genetically still living in your body. If this isn't heart bursting joy, abundance, vitality and feeling divinely safe, then no thanks, we don't want it! You don't know what you don't know. After the retreat you WILL know and you will alchemize the past into embodied empowerment and soul level wisdom)

So unless you want to keep wishing for change and you like the self-sabotaging loop you have been living in.... you should register and get your butt closer to your ancestors, spirit team and living the life of your dreams. You may think you need a far away vacation (stop running away from your feelings) or you need to buy something pretty (hello numbing and trauma response)... What you need is a weekend away, but without the commute. You need to go missing in a safe cocoon where you can disconnect from the world while you reconnect to you, the Universe and your ancestors. What makes this extra special is that you get the benefits of an entire program condensed into a potent weekend that has the potential to change your life. There is extra magic and power in doing it with other women healing alongside you so you can witness and be witnessed as you have a rebirth and phoenix rising all in one weekend.

In case you are deciding between The Bridge group coaching program and this, there IS a bundle! If you sign up for the group coaching program starting in October you can choose to save $500 OR get a bonus 60min 1:1 virtual Akashic Records session (valued at $497 + tax). Email us to receive your promo code, click here.

Curious about the event? Curious about the other fall 2024 offerings? Take a listen and ensure you find the perfect offering that meets your unique needs. Have any questions, please email us and we are happy to guide the process! Send any questions to

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 Why do this work with me?

Timea Urban is a Registered Nurse, Reiki Master and Life Coach who has guided hundreds of women through transformative healing experiences. The secret sauce is finding true nervous system regulation and expansion alongside subconscious reprogramming and ensuring the energy is aligned. There is no quick fix, avoid the “feeling” part, that is spiritual bypassing and it’s not a strong foundation to hold the massive manifestations you want to call in.

You can listen to the podcasts, read the books and get random freebie content or you can fully commit to you, your healing and claim your desires. This weekend has the potential to change the trajectory of your life, if you so choose. Your darkest moments have power and endless possibility to break you open so you can be your most authentic self. Timea specializes in Reiki energy healing, the Akashic Records, clinical hypnotherapy, neurolinguistic programming, EFT Tapping, somatic healing, nervous system regulation and subconscious reprogramming.


So my love, if you want to feel...

  • Buzzing with energy and vitality while staying emotionally regulated and keeping your mind clear…

  • Deeply connected to the Universe, your spirit team and never feel alone, lost or hopeless

  • Rebuild a trusting relationship with your intuition so you can ask anything and trust the answer to the root of your soul…

  • Like you have once and for all, dropped your emotional baggage and the generational heaviness you inherited so you can feel light and free…

 Join the Healing Circle

Unlock the power of Reiki and immerse yourself in a transformative experience. For just $1197 +HST, secure your place in the Intuitive Whispers Wellness Retreat and connect with a community of like-minded souls. Only 15 spaces are available, and this is the last chance to attend in person until mid 2025.

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            … all the things your divine feminine is craving


How will you leave on Sunday evening?

  • With a reprogrammed and upgraded subconscious mind and new neural pathways

  • Releasing trauma, patterns and beliefs from your mind, body and nervous system

  • Your body feels light, spacious and softer, with an innate inner strength

  • With a clear understanding of your known and unknown wounds, where they originated from and what they were meant to teach you

  • Your energy feels cleared, cleansed and protected

  • Your intuition turned the F on and beaming with clarity

  • A new ability to connect to the Universe, your ancestors and spirit team

  • With new connections and friendships

  • Connected and aligned to the magic you are creating and empowered with new manifestation techniques

Why YOU need this now?

  • Why wait until 2025 to embody your goals, end 2024 on the right note

  • Experience the modalities and healing potential IN PERSON

  • Have an opportunity to work with Timea IRL (next in-person event coming in mid 2025)

  • Get the healing of months of life coaching (or years of traditional talk therapy) all in one weekend

 Embrace Your Energy

Your path to inner peace and rejuvenation starts here. Invest $1197 + HST to join the Intuitive Whispers Wellness Retreat on October 26th + 27th (happening 11am-6pm on both days) and align your energy for lasting change. With only 15 spots available, this exclusive in-person retreat won’t be offered again until mid 2025. Don’t wait—your healing journey begins now.

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This is a DAY retreat with no accommodations and the are no affiliation or paid partnerships with the event space. This is simply a HEALER gathering women to guide them through HEALING their unique traumas. Participants are responsible for their own accommodations, travel and anything else a travel agent would do as Timea Urban is not a travel agent, simply a healer.

Bless your soul, now let's f*cking heal. 🤎

 Your Questions Answered

  • The event runs from 11am to 6pm for both days (October 26 + 27).

  • The event is located in Leslieville (Queen Street East and Carlaw Ave). The exact location is announced once you are fully registered. The space is easily accessible with public transit and there are multiple parking options available. This information is also shared once you are fully registered.

  • Absolutely! Most people are coming alone. You will probably make a friend or two so you won't feel alone at all. If you do want to have a more private experience, you totally can. You will never be forced to share anything you don't feel comfortable with.

  • Perfect! Feeling excitement, nervousness, fear are all NORMAL human emotions. This means you are doing something outside of your comfort zone and you are about to evolve and grow. There is NO GROWTH outside of your comfort zone, but know this will be the most comfortable, cozy zone of discomfort that prioritizes your emotional safety and wellbeing.

  • It only won't work if you don't want it to. No one can force you out of your victimhood or force you to heal. Healing is a choice and you get to make it. Every person will leave with "healing", wisdom and growth. You decide to what degree. If you come open minded and willing to try something new, it will work for you.

  • There are no prerequisites to coming to the event other than actually show up. Most people don't know the modalities or know very little or have only tried it with someone else. It truly doesn't matter since you will experience them at the event and that's all that matters.

  • This is meant for adult women of all ages, no minors will be permitted. Previous events had women from early 20's to mid 60's come and each of them received meaningful lessons and created bonds with the other women.

  • You don't need to have a conscious awareness of the limiting beliefs, you don't even need to know how to put it into words. You just need to show up and allow me to guide you. A lot of trauma and blockages are well hidden and trapped in the body so the mind doesn't even know about it. Regardless where it is, these modalities can gently remove them without your conscious awareness.

  • Your comfort and emotional safety is of highest importance. You never need to share if you don't feel comfortable. The group is also kept small and intimate for these reason so you don't feel like just another number.

  • A welcome tote filled with self-care goodies, 2 days worth of healing and transformation, a nourishing lunch on both days, AM and PM snacks, a tea/coffee/bone broth station, a blanket and eye covers for comfort.

  • Your yoga mats (pilates mats are even better since they are thicker), a water bottle, journal/pen, all your limiting beliefs, old stories, emotional baggage and ancestral trauma

  • Yes, of course. The meals will be GF with an option of vegetarian and meat option. On your intake form you can choose your meal and list your food allergies. We take food allergies seriously and want you to feel well nourished.

  • Regrettably once you register, we CANNOT offer a refund due to nature of the event. Your registration is transferable for which you are responsible for arranging. In extreme circumstances you may qualify for a credit at The Urban Healer to be used for certifications and evergreen programs only.

  • You are completely responsible for arranging any travel and/or accommodations for your stay in Toronto. I recommend using an online booking portal or speaking with a trusted travel agent.

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 Step Into Transformation

Now is the time to elevate your spiritual journey and heal from within. For only $1197 + HST to join the Intuitive Whispers Wellness Retreat on October 26th + 27th (happening 11am-6pm on both days) and align your energy for lasting change. With only 15 spots available, this exclusive in-person retreat won’t be offered again until mid 2025. Don’t wait—your healing journey begins now.